Outreach Villages Based Clinical Services

Mycetoma, a neglected tropical disease caused by specific fungi or bacteria, manifests with painless subcutaneous masses and the formation of multiple sinuses, producing purulent discharge and grains. Without early and appropriate treatment, the condition can spread to deeper structures and bones, leading to severe damage, deformities, and disabilities. The majority of affected individuals hail from underdeveloped communities with low socio-economic status, often presenting late with advanced disease, where amputation or extensive surgical excisions may be the only available treatment options.

Despite advancements in mycetoma research, significant gaps persist in understanding its pathogenesis and epidemiology, hindering the development of effective control and prevention programs. Currently, early case detection and proper management serve as the primary disease control measures.

To address treatment challenges and socio-economic barriers faced by mycetoma patients, a comprehensive management approach encompassing medical, health, social, and financial care is imperative. To fulfil these objectives, two mycetoma regional satellites were established in endemic villages in Sudan: one in Wad Onsa Village, Eastern Sennar Locality, Sennar State, and the other in Al Andalus Village, Um Gar Locality, the White Nile. These units provide local patient care by mobile teams from the Mycetoma Research Centre, offering artificial limb prostheses, health education, and community support activities free of charge. Over 1000 patients have undergone surgical treatment at these village centers.

 See our missions to:

Al Andalus
UM Gar