MRC Pharmacy Department



The core philosophy of the MRC Pharmacy Department centers around patient-centered services, recognising them as essential components in the holistic management of individuals. This approach is significant in securing the best possible outcomes in pharmacotherapy, aiming not only for effective treatment but also for an enhanced overall patient experience.

Emphasising patient-centered services signifies a commitment to tailoring pharmaceutical care to the unique needs and preferences of each individual. It involves fostering a collaborative relationship between pharmacists and patients, wherein the focus is not only on the disease being treated but also on the person undergoing the treatment. This approach goes beyond the mere dispensing of medications; it encompasses a comprehensive understanding of patient’s health conditions, lifestyles, and personal goals, thereby allowing for the customization of pharmaceutical interventions.

By prioritising patient-centered services, the MRC Pharmacy Department seeks to create a healthcare environment where patients feel actively involved in their treatment plans. This approach acknowledges the importance of open communication, shared decision-making, and the empowerment of patients to actively participate in managing their health. In doing so, the department aims to contribute to the overall well-being of patients, ensuring not only the efficacy of pharmacotherapy but also the promotion of a positive and supportive healthcare experience.


The vision of the MRC Pharmacy Department is to establish itself as a frontrunner in providing exceptional patient care, aiming to attain exceptional treatment results.


Our mission is to elevate and maintain exemplary clinical and hospital pharmacy practices, establishing the pinnacle of standards in pharmaceutical care for individuals impacted by mycetoma.


  • Deliver comprehensive patient-centered services and pharmaceutical care to individuals with mycetoma, ensuring a continuous provision of safe, effective, and top-quality medications.
  • Encourage adherence, provide counseling, optimise the management of co-morbidities, and address drug interactions.
  • Implement pharmacovigilance practices to guarantee the secure utilization of medications. Contribute to the advancement of innovative drugs designed to address mycetoma.
  • Tailoring our services to the unique needs of mycetoma patients, the pharmacy department pioneers specialised pharmacy services in the country.

These services, led by dedicated clinical pharmacists, actively engage with patients at the mycetoma clinic. Educational sessions are thoughtfully organized to cover topics such as drug adherence, counseling, and various concerns related to their prescribed medications.

Provide integrated patient-centered services and pharmaceutical care to mycetoma patients, ensuring a consistent supply of safe, effective, and high-quality medicines.

Foster adherence, offer counseling, optimize the management of co-morbidities, and manage drug interactions.

Practice pharmacovigilance to ensure the safe use of medications.

Contribute to the development of innovative drugs to address mycetoma.



Specialty Pharmacy Services for Patients with Mycetoma

The pharmacy department offers unique pharmacy services tailored for mycetoma patients, a pioneering initiative in the country. These services are facilitated by specialised clinical pharmacists who engage with patients at the mycetoma clinic. Educational sessions are organised to address drug adherence, counseling, and various concerns related to their medications.

Download The Mycetoma Good Clinical Pharmacy Practice Guidelines 2024 (PDF)


Download Pharmacy practice SOPs (PDF)

Pharmacy practice SOPs


MRC Pharmacy
Dr Samira Mohammed Elsheikh
Mr Abdalraziq Osman Abdalraziq

Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr Lamis Elkahir

Clinical Pharmacy
Dr Kannan Omer Ahmed