Mycetoma Research Center

Scientific Committee


The Scientific Committee of the Mycetoma Research Center at the University of Khartoum is indispensable in driving the center mission forward through its multifaceted roles. They ensure research excellence with rigorous standards and innovative agendas, foster multidisciplinary collaboration for comprehensive patients care, and influence policy through evidence-based advocacy. By building capacity with training programmes and empowering healthcare professionals, they enhance local and regional capabilities. The committee also ensures continuous improvement through robust monitoring and evaluation, raises awareness via public health campaigns and community engagement, and provides vital expertise and strategic guidance. Ultimately, their efforts lead to better patient outcomes and contribute significantly to public health by reducing the incidence and impact of mycetoma and skin NTDs.

The Committee Terms of Reference

 Research and Innovation

Oversee the design, implementation, and evaluation of scientific research projects.

Capacity Building

Develop training programmes and workshops for healthcare providers and researchers.


Foster partnerships with national and international institutions.


Promote awareness and advocate for policy support and funding.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Ensure rigorous evaluation of projects and programmes to measure impact and outcomes.

Patient care

Plan and maintain appropriate, high-quality, evidence-based healthcare.

Community Engagement initiative

Plan and develop community outreach programmes to raise awareness and educate on the prevention and early detection of mycetoma and skin NTDs.


The Scientific Committee will comprise experts from various disciplines related to mycetoma, skin NTDs, global health and community engagement initiatives, including a  Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and 10-12 Members.

Implementation and Supervision

The committee established sub-committees focusing on specific areas such as patients care, scientific research, capacity building, collaboration, community engagement and advocacy. Each sub-committee reports to the main committee and ensures the execution of the center’s strategic plan.

Research Sub-Committee

Focus on identifying research gaps, suggest research questions, and ensuring ethical standards.

Continuing Professional Development Sub-Committee

Plan and develop curriculum and training modules and coordinate training activities.

Collaboration and Partnership Sub-Committee

Facilitate partnerships and collaborative projects.

Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Sub-Committee

Lead efforts to raise awareness and secure funding.

Medical and Health Care Subcommittee

Plan and maintain appropriate, high-quality, evidence-based healthcare.

Community Engagement Subcommittee

Plan and develop community outreach programmes to raise awareness and educate on the prevention and early detection of mycetoma and skin NTDs.

The Members

  • Prof EL Zien Karar, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan
  • Prof Suliman Hussein Suliman, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan
  • Prof Imad Tag EL Din, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gazeria, Sudan.
  • Prof Marmar EL Saddig, Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Prof EL Galani Ali EL Amin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Prof Sahal EL Mardi, Faculty of Medicine, Dubai Medical University, UAE.
  • Prof Hassan Hussein, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Dr Bashier Ibrahim Osman, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Dr Afaf Mohamed EL Hassan, Faculty of Art, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Dr Mustafa EL Nour, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Dr Abubaaker EL Hadi Ahmed, Faculty of Fine and Applied Art, Sudan University for Science and Technology, Sudan
  • CNS Geraldine Damanhuri, Faculty of Nursing, Comboni College of Science and Technology, Sudan.
  • Dr Manar EL Shiekh Abdel Rahman, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Qatar University, Qatar.
  • Dr Imad Abugessaisa, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN, Japan.
  • Ex-Officio Member, The Mycetoma Research Center, University of Khartoum, Sudan, Representative.