Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a brighter future for all


Your generous contribution serves as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against mycetoma and other neglected tropical diseases. By supporting the Mycetoma Research Centre, you play a pivotal role in assisting patients, their families, researchers, students, and communities worldwide.

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to providing essential services without cost to those in need. Your support enables us to enhance patients’ access to crucial diagnostics, medications, and healthcare services, thereby promoting health equity and advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Moreover, your donation fuels our efforts in pioneering cutting-edge research, development, and innovation. With your help, we can continue to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and develop effective strategies for combating these debilitating diseases.

It’s important to note that many of our patients come from low socioeconomic and health education backgrounds, facing numerous challenges and obstacles. Your support directly addresses these disparities, making a tangible difference in their lives and ensuring they receive the care and support they deserve.

In addition to medical assistance, we are proud to offer programs such as the Mycetoma Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Center (SAAID). Through SAAID, we provide a nurturing environment for mycetoma amputees and disabled individuals, empowering them with valuable skills and fostering self-reliance and confidence. Your contribution enables us to expand and enhance these vital initiatives, helping individuals rebuild their lives and pursue new opportunities.

Your generosity is truly transformative, touching the lives of countless individuals and driving meaningful progress in the fight against mycetoma and neglected tropical diseases. Thank you for joining us in this important mission. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a brighter future for all.

Please pledge a donation to:

The Mycetoma Patients Friends Association
Registered NGO, No. 2088, Humanitarian Aid Commission – Sudan
Khartoum, Sudan

Bank account:

Bank Name: Sudanese French Bank
Bank Account: 5600-26-191219 (EUR and SDG)
Account Name: Mycetoma Patients Friends Association
Branch: Kasr Avenue-Khartoum
Tel: +249-183-771740