Mycetoma Workshop for Media Professionals

The Mycetoma Research Centre (MRC), University of Khartoum, WHO Collaborating Centre on Mycetoma in collaboration with Hope International Organisation had organised a three-day training workshop on Mycetoma health promotion, advocacy and awareness for Media Professionals in the period 2nd and 4th January 2021 at the Mycetoma Research & Development Arcade.  There were 20 participants from different media specialists and that included comedians, journalists, radio and TV commentators, newspapers writers, poets, actors, fine artists, film editors and producers, public relations specialists, bloggers, sound engineers and art directors.


The training included presentations, video shows, small group discussions, meeting patients and visiting the different MRC departments and units. Dr Sahar Mubarak Bakhiet from the MRC gave a comprehensive presentation on mycetoma as a medical and socioeconomic problem affecting the poor communities and highlighted the centre’s efforts in dealing with the disease impact.


Dr Mohamed A. Azzi El Din, psychologist and social worker, gave an extensive presentation on using the different media tools and techniques to address the affected communities taking on board their socioeconomic background.


Mr Sharaf Mohamed EL Hassan, an expert media technologist, had addressed the techniques and issues of using the image and sound to create an objective video and film to address the impact of mycetoma on patients, families and community at large.


Miss Lymia Mutmakal, the Senior Sudan Radio commentator and programme producer, gave an emotional presentation on her experience as a cancer surviver and how she managed to overcome her sad illness and the support she had to sail through her painful experience. She also showed how can the media support mycetoma.


In his presentation, Mr Motasium Mustafa Awadalla, the well-known renowned comedian, emphasised the importance of using fine art and music to address the mycetoma and its serious complications on patients, and community and underscored the importance of health education for early case detection and management.


The participants had several group discussions with some Mycetoma patients to have more insight into the disease’s socioeconomic impact on them and their families. During the workshop, a patient (originally was a singer), who had a miserable experience with the mycetoma that eventually ended in amputation attended some of the sessions. He discussed his sad experience and song for the participants. He kindly had distributed the workshop certificates at the closing ceremony.


After serious brainstorming and group discussions, the participants had suggested the road map for the Mycetoma Media Advocacy Programme. The different groups gave presentations of the different components of the programme with practical demonstrations on that.


At the final closing ceremony, the participants gave their feedback on the training workshop and expressed their commitments to support the mycetoma patients and the MRC. Mr Motasium Mustafa Awadalla, the training workshop organiser, Mrs Hanan Fasial, Country Director, Hope International Organisation and Prof Fahal expressed their gratitude and appreciations for the participants and are looking forward to close and active collaboration to support the patients and their families.

A special vote of thanks and gratitude to Mr Motasium Mustafa Awadalla for the workshop’s well-thought organisation with the MRC team.