The Mycetoma Cultural Week


The Event

The Mycetoma Cultural Week was organised by the Mycetoma Research Centre, the French Institute, and the French Embassy in Khartoum in the period 23rd – 27th February 2020, at The French Institute, Khartoum, Sudan, under The Patronage of HE The French Ambassador to Sudan.

The Mycetoma Research Center (MRC) was established in 1991 under the umbrella of the University of Khartoum. It was set up at Soba University Hospital to provide medical care for mycetoma patients, conduct cutting edge research, excellent education and teaching in the various aspects of mycetoma.

The research programmes and projects carried out at the centre are of a multidisciplinary approach focusing on basic research; the causes and progression of mycetoma, the translation of new knowledge and technology into novel diagnostic and treatments and the provision of excellent patient care.

Currently, there is no prevention or control programme for mycetoma, and thus early case detection and treatment are the available tools for mycetoma burden reduction. For that, the Centre had conducted various mycetoma advocacy and awareness activities and events. That had contributed to the delivery of information to the target groups in particular in mycetoma endemic areas.

As part of the centre awareness and advocacy activities on mycetoma, it had organised the Mycetoma Cultural Week. The week had included fine art exhibition where 13 famous artists had donated more than 60 collections of their work to the exhibition, and that included paints, ceramics, statures and children drawings. A medical photography exhibition of more than 50 photos were shown as well. Also, more than 57 short video clips were shown. A tradition Sudanese music and dance band had given an exciting show during the opening ceremony. Several lectures and drama on mycetoma were conducted.

Mycetoma Cultural Week


  • Increase the public awarness to issues related to mycetoma through science and art.
  • Reduce mycetoma related stigma through sensitization of the public.
  • Involve different stakeholders in advocay efforts and create a pool of strong advocates among social influencers.
  • Use fine arts as a tool for social impact.

Opening Ceremony

As for Professor Fadwa Abdel-Rahman, she praised the centre and its achievements in the fight against Mycetoma, saying: We are delighted with the Mycetoma Research Center achievements, and it is undoubtedly one of the most successful centres at the university.

She stated it is an ingenious gesture from the MRC to organise and celebrate such a cultural week. On the other hand, HE the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Intisar Saghyroon, stated that “The MRC is a brilliant success story, as no one would expect it to achieve what it had achieved during one of the most challenging periods in which the country has gone through which proves that there is no impossible under the sun. She praised the MRC perseverance and efforts, and hence it deserves support and admiration. HE stated that the Mycetoma Research Center is not only considered the best centre at the University of Khartoum, but it is the best in Sudan.


The Fine Art Exhibition

The fine art exhibition had continued and witnessed remarkable recognition from visitors. Various videos on mycetoma advocacy and awareness were shown on different screens at the exhibition and at various parts of the French Institute and they had clear and tangible effects on the visitors’ souls, and they had led to more advocacy and awareness on mycetoma and sympathy with the patients.

Awareness Lecture

On the third day of the Cultural Week, a general lecture was delivered by Dr Sahar Mubarak Bakheit of the Mycetoma Research Centre on the holistic management of mycetoma patients. The lecture addressed the different aspects of mycetoma in particular mycetoma social impact and the MRC activities to reduce this impact. The talk was well attended.

The attendee signed the

  • Mycetoma:
  • The Khartoum Statement 2020
  • This statement was issued by the MRC stressing the urgent need for mycetoma patients socioeconomic support.

The closing Ceremony

It was attended by Mr Farcie, the French Institute Director who addressed the ceremony, he thanked the artists for the excellent work they did and their enormous contribution. He also thanked the other collaborators who made the week a successful event. The awards and attendance certificates were then given.

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